Filing date | Form | Description | Filing Group | View |
3/A | An amendment to a 3 filing. Non-EDGAR filing |
5/A | Amendment to a previously filed 5 |
S-3 | Simplified registration form |
Registration Statements
424B3 | Form of prospectus reflecting facts events constituting substantive change from last form |
Registration Statements
424B3 | Form of prospectus reflecting facts events constituting substantive change from last form |
Registration Statements
POS AM | Post-effective amendment to an S-Type filing |
Registration Statements
POS AM | Post-effective amendment to an S-Type filing |
Registration Statements
8-K/A | Amendment to a previously filed 8-K |
Current Reports
424B3 | Form of prospectus reflecting facts events constituting substantive change from last form |
Registration Statements
8-K | Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event |
Current Reports
Data provided by Kaleidoscope.